Tuesday, October 17, 2006


The counter-space
Frames daily accessibility
All items that deserve to be
Close at hand

Just under
And stored with confidence
More valuable belongings rest
All pertaining information
To be discovered in due course
Within four drawers
One upon the other
Expecting no immediate intrusions
From outside parties

A curious bystander
Can't help but pry
Ait-tight seals apart
Spilling in sunlight
And causing commotion
Amongst the recently sedated dust


At 2:48 PM, Blogger Flakey Foont said...

Does Christmas bring good things? Cause if it does, I expect to see you on my front door. :)

Miss you.

At 8:44 PM, Blogger tvpartytonight said...

Stomp on a cunt.

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Michael said...

you need to blog more

At 7:14 PM, Blogger Michael said...

you still haven't blogged.

Oh, ps, i hate it when dudes get girlfriends and never hang out with their friends anymore. It happens everytime. I hope you're happy with your beautiful female new friend. Well, i guess you are. accually i know you are. still. we need some graham.

At 12:38 AM, Blogger Civil Whisper said...

this weekend there should be some graham for you. i was going to be in saskatoon, but things just didn't feel right. so i'm all yours, michael-doodle-doo. ...and melissa's.

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Michael said...

oh really? srry to hear that. k, we'll do sumthing


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